If we were to list the undesirable symptoms of menopause, mood swings are right up there. According to studies, around 23% of women experience mood swings before, during or after menopause, making the situation real for many. From irritability to concerns about body image and attractiveness, the emotional rollercoaster that can come with this transition can leave us feeling less than our best selves. 

What we need to remember here first, is that it’s common the experience these feelings, and second, that you’re not alone. There are many practical tips you can use to deal with the bumpiness of menopausal mood swings, to help you feel more yourself again. There is also promising research into the benefits of CBD for mood swings. But before we head into the research, let’s take a closer look at menopause and mood swings. 

What Causes Menopause Mood Swings?

From a technical POV, menopause takes place when you haven’t had your period for 12 months. After that, you’re deemed postmenopausal, but there’s a whole journey leading up to that point. The process of going through menopause itself can take between 2-10 years, making up a fair chunk of our adult life. 

In terms of what’s going on in your body, during menopause, your estrogen levels drop leading to symptoms like the infamous hot flashes and vaginal dryness. At the same time, estrogen supports certain brain functions, like cognition, meaning a drop make leaves us feeling a little befuddled. As estrogen also helps to regular important hormones with mood-boosting potential, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, this can also play havoc with our emotions. Here are a few mood symptoms you can experience:

  • Feeling irritable or aggressive – up to 70% of women say irritability is the leading emotional issue during menopause, leading them to feel grumpy and less tolerant. When this persists, we can end up feeling like our lives and relationships are under strain. 
  • Low mood or depression1 in 5 women experience depression when going through menopause. The internal happenings on a hormone level plus the outward effects this has on our lives can lead to this more serious emotional condition. 
  • Suffering from anxiety – including panic attacks, worry and a general feeling of anxiety, this debilitating state of mind can grow in intensity without the right support and tools. Yet the good news is that there are lots of ways to manage mood symptoms like this. 
  • Weepiness – crying episodes or feeling weepy are commonly attributed to the emotional turmoil of menopause. There is some research to show that crying is a good tool for venting emotions, but it’s important to make sure these episodes don’t take over our daily lives.   
  • Low sex drive – hormone changes account for a lowered libido, but the good news is that this is a temporary adjustment. The transition itself and all the symptoms that may come with it (think vaginal dryness for one) can also make us feel less “up for it” but many of these symptoms pass, and there are ways to manage them both during and after if they persist. 
  • Trouble sleeping – insomnia and sleep problems are other factors that can leave us wiped out, low on energy, and less like ourselves, while exacerbating other issues like anxiety. 

The important thing to note is that with all these symptoms, there are ways to manage them and glide through the transition with more confidence. A combination of the right lifestyle factors has the power to boost our mood and tackle many of the needling day-to-day challenges menopause brings.   


Image Credit: www.gponline.com 

In our society, hormone replacement therapy (dubbed HRT or HT) is a common step for dealing with mood swings among other menopausal symptoms. It’s important to note that there are risks associated with this kind of therapy including developing endometrial cancer, blood clots and strokes and breast cancer with long-term use. 

An alternative approach is to look to various lifestyle changes to effectively manage your mood swings during the transition. From looking at your exercise levels, the ways you interact with your partner to boost intimacy levels, and products such as lubes to relieve pesky vaginal dryness.  

As your hormones fluctuate, you are more prone to putting on the pounds. Exercise is an important tool to help you feel good in your skin, but the benefits don’t end there. It’s also linked to our mood, with the potential to boost our happy hormones (AKA endorphins). Studies show that 50 minutes of aerobic exercise a week helps alleviate menopausal symptoms like irritability and mood swings. 

Also linked to our weight, eating well have that same double whammy effect that exercise does. The right foods will make us look good on the outside and feel good inside. We’re talking about a varied, healthy diet packed with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats. And yes, the occasional chocolate won’t harm you.

Vaginal dryness is a major one of menopause, and although this sounds strictly physical, there’s something mentally stalling about feeling dry down there. For a start, it plays havoc with intimacy and can put you off sex altogether. By using lube, you can increase sensitivity and pleasure, and downgrade pain and lack of libido. Sex is also a great natural stress reliever and overall mood booster. 

Tip: Try our Love Intimacy Spray to boost sensitivity and get you in the zone. 

Negative self-talk really can be the thing to get you on a bad day. With the potential for our body to physically change during menopause combined with our emotional ups and down, it’s also a major risk. By understanding that this is a result of those two very real factors, you can start to put things into perspective. Start by focusing on the bits you like about yourself, shifting away from the parts you don’t, and if you need extra support therapies like CBT can be especially effective. 

Intimacy and communication can make all the difference during this potentially isolating transition. As well as helping with your sexual side, this deeper connection will help you both to feel in touch with one another. And if sex really isn’t the thing for you right now, explore other ways of being intimate, whether that’s sitting together on the sofa, holding hands, or kissing.

With promising studies linking CBD to relief for common menopausal symptoms, it can offer additional support during the transition. Preliminary research shows that CBD may balance mood chemical messengers, helping to alleviate common symptoms like anxiety and evening out mood swings. A recent survey from Project CBD showed significant improvements with 11 common symptoms of mood disorders, supporting CBD’s potential to mitigate mood swings, soothe panic attacks, and help lower feelings of irritability, agitation, and sadness.      

This holistic approach can be a good alternative if you’d like to avoid HT. At the same time, some studies link CBD to pain relief for tender breasts and muscle aches, managing weight gain, and improving memory and focus. As CBD also has vasodilator effects, it may also offer a natural alternative to boosting sex drive. Considering all the various symptoms that can exacerbate mood swings during menopause can help you create a more comprehensive approach.    

It’s important to note that CBD should never be your only solution to navigating mood swings during menopause. It should be considered along with healthy lifestyle habits including diet, exercise and a proactive approach to managing your intimate relationships and mood.  

If you want to make CBD a part of the big picture, make sure to speak to your healthcare provider first to get their advice. Also note, CBD can pose certain drug interactions, and it’s vital to speak to your doctor before embracing your CBD journey.  

Press Pause for Menopause Mood Swings

Press Pause is proud to create our specialty line of CBD wellness products designed specifically for women by women. We know that you need the highest quality, scientifically backed ingredients to get the real benefits during this transition period. Because we focus on high-quality ingredients our products are perfect for menopause. To see how we can help, simply get in touch, so speak to our team for more information and shop our CBD products for menopause today!   

Further Reading